October 7, 2020


Dose two of Kingdom Ethic is ready for administration. Are you ready for it?! We are salt and light. Meant to do something, and be seen as we do it. Matthew 5:13-16. Join us in-person, on the patio (for what looks to be great weather), or online at 10 am Sunday.

Steadfast | Most of us are over the binging (there are no shows left) and sourdough starters. This pandemic is laboring on and restrictions abound. None of us enjoy them. But we live under them, as uncomfortable as they are, for each other and our neighbors. Remain steadfast friends. The morning is coming. Stay close to Jesus. Be quick to listen and slow to speak. Be loving. Merciful. And let your light shine.

Reach Out | Have help to give, need help? Drop us a line at hello@reservoir.church and our team will do what we can to connect and serve you.


Shadowed Refuge


Bigger than Buildings