Chosen, Transformed, Adopted: The Purposeful Life in Christ

In Ephesians 1:3-6, the apostle Paul reveals a profound truth about believers' identity and purpose in Christ. The essence of the sermon revolves around the idea that in Christ, individuals are intentionally chosen by God for the good of the believers and the glory of God.

Being chosen in Christ is not contingent on personal skills or accomplishments. Paul emphasizes that believers are intentionally chosen by God, a theme reiterated throughout Ephesians.

The central theme is the concept of election — God's sovereign initiative to bring individuals to faith in Christ. This divine choosing encompasses various blessings: unconditional election, adoption, redemption, and the fulfillment of God's plan. Ephesians 1:3 underscores that all spiritual blessings are bestowed upon believers in Christ.

The doctrine of election, often misunderstood, is a celebration of God's purpose in us. It is not about making robots or eliminating free will but about strengthening believers when challenges arise. The assurance lies in trusting that God, who formed the church before the world existed, will keep His promises to His chosen children.

The purpose for which believers are chosen unfolds in three dimensions: transformation, adoption, and glory. Transformation involves becoming holy and blameless, a process guided by faith and sanctification. Adoption reveals that believers are not mere servants but sons and heirs with Christ, fostering a familial relationship with God. Ultimately, all these aspects lead to the praise of God's glorious grace.

The glorious grace experienced in Christ is the driving force behind believers' purpose. It is not only about personal redemption but also about glorifying God through a transformed life. The church's mission is to exalt God as ambassadors of Christ, living for His glory and the good of others.

In conclusion, the sermon on Ephesians 1:3-6 emphasizes that believers are intentionally chosen by God, transformed, adopted, and destined for His glory. Resting in this truth provides a sense of belonging, identity, and eternal security in Christ. Believers are called to lean into God's purpose, pursuing holiness in community and fulfilling their role in God's grand narrative.