Jonathan Shradar preaches an Easter sermon from John 20:1-18. Jesus is the treasure our hearts are seeking.
Sermon notes.
Jonathan Shradar preaches an Easter sermon from John 20:1-18. Jesus is the treasure our hearts are seeking.
Sermon notes.
Jonathan Shradar preaches on John 6:60-71. Following Jesus costs you but it’s the only way to real life.
Sermon notes
Questions to keep the conversation going:
What are the things of Christianity that are seen as “hard sayings” in our day? How do we approach these things clinging to truth but reacting with grace?
Why is earning your way to God appealing to us? Are you more incline to pride or despair when it comes to your self-sufficiency?
If Jesus gives abundant, real, eternal life that can be lived now, what does that look like practically?
How does the hope of Christ keep us going in life? How can we get more of that?
Jonathan Shradar preaches on John 6:22-59. Jesus will never cast out those the Father gives him and life will never be the same.
Sermon notes
Questions to keep the conversation going:
How does knowing that the Father gave you to Jesus build your faith? What is your part in coming to Jesus?
What are the things we seek Jesus for but in doing so miss the provision that he is for us?
Is there any danger in this message that Jesus keeps you no matter what?
How do these truths impact the way we live now?
Jonathan Shradar preaches on John 6:1-15. Faith in Jesus is really enough.
Sermon notes.
Question to keep the conversation going:
Why are signs helpful to confirm the message of Jesus?
What are some examples of the miraculous that you have experienced as you walk with Jesus?
How does this story build our faith and what does life look like with more faith?
In what area of your life or situation are you longing for a miracle? How can we pray for that as a group?