The Good Stronghold
Jonathan Shradar preaches on Nahum. Jesus is our refuge.
Sermon notes.
Questions to keep the conversation going:
In what ways do you recognize the temptation to oppose God and his ways? How do you go on trusting and finding your refuge in Jesus?
How does this promised vindication, an end of enemies, bolster God's people for today?
Jesus welcomes us and is our refuge. Do you have a sense of how this practically works itself out in your life?
How can you release or surrender your shame to Jesus? How do you think he responds to you when you do?
Rescued In The Thick Of It
Pastor Jonathan Shradar preaches on Micah. God rescues his own, motivating a life of love and obedience.
Sermon notes.
Questions to keep the conversation going:
How would you describe where you are in life now? Does it feel like exile, the thick of it?
What does rescue look like in your life? How do you know you are Christ's own?
In our day, what does doing justice, loving kindness, and walking humbly with our God practically look like?
Who will the Lord use you to rescue in the thick of it?
Surprised by Grace
Pastor Jonathan Shradar preaches on Jonah. The love of God will move and surprise his people.
Sermon notes.
Questions to keep the conversation going:
What keeps us from obedience to the Lord's call on our lives? How do we defeat that?
Is harder to believe God's grace for yourself or others?
How does realizing that we can't run from the presence of God help us face life?
Who are you praying for, that they would rejoice in the love of God for them and repent, saying yes to Jesus?
Kingdom of Light
Pastor Jonathan Shradar preaches on Obadiah. God is on the throne and cares for his own.
Sermon notes.
Questions to keep the conversation going:
Why can God be trusted? What evidence of his control do we have?
How does the divine retribution seen in Obadiah comfort God's people?
Why is it difficult to trust the Lord's care during difficulty?
How can we build confidence in Christ's care for us at all times?
Does the promise of the eternal kingdom carry us forward?