Galatians Jonathan Shradar Galatians Jonathan Shradar

Worth Standing For

Jonathan Shradar preaches on Galatians 2:1-10. The unchanging gospel is worth living and standing for.

Sermon notes

Questions to keep the conversation going:

Why is it at times easier to stand for other things than it is for the gospel?

How do we try to change the gospel in our day? Why is this dangerous?

What are some of the implications of the gospel you have a hard time living?

How can we as a community stand for the gospel and encourage each other to do so?

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Jonathan Shradar Jonathan Shradar

Not of Human Origins

Jonathan Shradar preaches on Galatians 1:11-24. The gospel is the plan of the God of grace for his glory and our good.

Sermon notes

Questions to keep the conversation going:

How can we be sure that the gospel is not manufactured by humanity?

Why does grace set Christianity apart from other religions?

How can we ensure we don't move beyond the grace of Christ in our faith and lives?

What should people notice about us as we live as gospel witnesses?

Is the glory of God enough to keep us going, trusting in Jesus?

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Galatians Jonathan Shradar Galatians Jonathan Shradar

As You Please

Jonathan Shradar preaches on Galatians 1:10. Approval in Christ frees us to live in light of the gospel for the pleasure of God.

Sermon notes.

Questions to keep the conversation going:

What are the ways we seek approval from people in our lives? Are these healthy or unhealthy?

How do we break free from the weight of people-pleasing?

Are you really approved by God? How can you be sure?

How does having the approval of God in Christ shape how you live now?

What does it look like to please God?

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Galatians Jonathan Shradar Galatians Jonathan Shradar

Hunting Imposters

Jonathan Shradar preaches on Galatians 1:6-9. A tainted gospel is no gospel at all.

Sermon notes.

Questions to keep the conversation going:

What are the ways we are likely to believe in a non-gospel in our day?

What is the danger in trusting in our performance and ability paired with the grace of Christ?

Does the gospel do away with any effort in the Christian life? What do we make of living the way of Jesus if he has earned salvation for us?

How do we ensure that we don't move off of the gospel of grace?

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