Galatians Jonathan Shradar Galatians Jonathan Shradar

A New Family

Jonathan Shradar preaches on Galatians 3:26-29. The family of Christ is a gift to all sons and daughters of God.

Sermon notes.

Keep the convo going:

Why are we so inclined to align ourselves with carbon copies of the way we look, think, and act? What is so much better about what the gospel delivers?

What are the things of exclusivity you can repent of as you embrace the kingdom tapestry of diversity in unity?

How do we know that we are being transformed in Christ?

How does this new family, our community, help in our transformation? Are we doing enough of that?

Why is this Kingdom way appealing to those outside the church?

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Galatians Jonathan Shradar Galatians Jonathan Shradar

Living Higher

Jonathan Shradar preaches on Galatians 3:15-26. Our attempts to earn salvation prove our need for salvation.

Sermon notes.

Keep the Conversation going:

Why it is so easy for us to cling to law (earning love) over promise of salvation?

In what ways do you find yourself trying to perform for God's approval?

How is his grace and promise better for you?

How does the embrace of promise enable you to love others?

How do we know we are going the right way in life?

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Galatians Jonathan Shradar Galatians Jonathan Shradar

Mountains to Climb

Jonathan Shradar preaches on Galatians 2:15-21. Our rescue by Jesus gives us eyes to see our sin and the power to live for something better.

Sermon notes.

Questions to keep the conversation going:

Why is justification such a difficult reality to remain settled in? Why do we seek it in other places?

What keeps us from warring against sin in our lives?

How does the personal work of Jesus for you motivate holiness in you? How can this community of believers help?

Is Jesus your defining passion? Do you want him to be?

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Galatians Jonathan Shradar Galatians Jonathan Shradar

Covered by Grace

Jonathan Shradar preaches on Galatians 2:11-14. The grace of Christ covers even our hypocrisy.

Sermon notes

Questions to keep the conversation going:

Why is hypocrisy such a problem in our day?

What are warning signs for you that you are headed down the path to hypocrisy?

What additional things do we add to others for them to be considered followers saved by Christ? What things do we (intentionally or unintentionally) acquiesce to in deference to other members of the church in lieu of standing for the unabashed truth of the gospel?

How can our community protect us from hypocrisy?

How does grace both cover us and empower us?

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