Luke Jonathan Shradar Luke Jonathan Shradar

Way of Righteousness

Jonathan Shradar preaches on Luke 7:18-50. Repentant humility translates to hope in the way of Jesus.

Sermon notes.

Think about that…

How would you describe the human longing for God?

Why do we look to things other than Jesus so fulfillment? How can we endeavor to seek Jesus more over these other things?

Why is repentant humility hard for us? What does it practically look like for us?

Does the grace of Christ really go this far? Why does that give us hope?

Who might you share this with this week? How are you breaking your jar?

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Luke Jonathan Shradar Luke Jonathan Shradar

Power and Compassion

Jonathan Shradar preaches on Luke 7:1-17. Jesus is a Man of Power and a Man of Compassion, believe in him.

Sermon notes

Think about it…

Why do we need a powerful Savior?

Have you experienced this kind of healing? Do you believe the Spirit still works miracles like this today?

How does the authority of Jesus benefit you now?

Why is compassion compelling?

How far does the compassion of Jesus go? What does it look like when we share his compassion?

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Luke Jonathan Shradar Luke Jonathan Shradar

Absurd Living

Jonathan Shradar preaches on Luke 6:27-49. Kingdom living is absurd; but it is good.

Sermon notes.

Think about that…

Why are these instructions from Jesus hard for his followers to hear and follow?

If you don't follow these exhortations are you less loved by God?

What does this kind of mercy look like in our day and age?

How can you set yourself up to be filled with the love of God more? Why does this love motivate us to action?

Who are the enemies you are called to love this week? Ask the Spirit to show you and lead you in opportunities to give that love.

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Luke Jonathan Shradar Luke Jonathan Shradar

The Kingdom is Yours

Jonathan Shradar preaches on Luke 6:17-26. Jesus is for those who have nothing but him.

Sermon notes.

Think about it…

What does this blessing for those poor, hungry, weeping show us of how we come to Christ?

What are the things we tend to rely on in our day for hope? How can we run after them less and turn to Christ more?

Is it exaggerating to say we have "nothing other than Jesus?"

What does life look like when you recognize the Kingdom is yours, and your future is incredibly bright?

How does the reality of our need for rescue and the gift of the Kingdom propel us to invite others to come?

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