Stand Alone Jonathan Shradar Stand Alone Jonathan Shradar

What's in the Water

Jonathan Shradar preaches on Reservoir’s values from 2 Corinthians 5:16-21. We are rescued by Jesus, formed into family, for the renewal of others and all things.

Sermon notes

Questions to keep the conversation going:

Why would it be important for a local church to define key values? Do these values match the culture of Reservoir?

What does the formation into family look like? Are we all Aunties and Uncles? How do we live this?

What can we do to take our call to be used by God to make his appeal seriously?

What are some ways the Spirit is equipping and calling you to live for the renewal of others and all things?

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Galatians Jonathan Shradar Galatians Jonathan Shradar

Standard of Peace

Jonathan Shradar preaches on Galatians 6:11-18. Peace comes to those who trust in Jesus as a rule of life.

Sermon notes.

Keep the conversation going:

What are some of the ways we are prone to compromise, allowing something else to share place with Jesus?

How do we combat that inclination?

Is the exclusivity of Christ a good thing? Is it worth it?

How does life change when Jesus is at the center? What practical ways to we approach our days differently?

Do you have a community of believers to help you live by this standard? How do you spur them on?

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Galatians Jonathan Shradar Galatians Jonathan Shradar


Jonathan Shradar preaches on Galatians 6:6-10. We should expect to harvest what we plant.

Sermon notes.

Keep the conversation going:

What keeps us hesitant to be obedient to the call to give to the church and live a life surrendered to the Spirit?

How can we intentionally invest in the right things more? Who can help us?

These topics are often difficult to talk about. Why do you think that is and how does the gospel free us from hesitancy or concern?

How far does doing good go and do we have to make sure to care for the church before we care for our neighbors?

How is the Lord calling you to invest differently than you are now?

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Galatians Jonathan Shradar Galatians Jonathan Shradar

Revealing Relationships

Jonathan Shradar preaches on Galatians 6:1-5. Relationships in the church reveal our Savior.

Sermon notes.

Keep the conversation going:

What are some of the realities of life that make this New Testament community difficult? How do we combat these?

Why is community so vital in following Christ?

How can we recognize burdens to carry for one another?

Why is self-awareness worthwhile and how can the community help us in this process?

What would the world see if the church matched this call from Galatians?

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