Compassionate and Consumed
Jonathan Shradar preaches on Luke10:21-42. Those who truly encounter Jesus are made compassionate and consumed with him.
Sermon notes
How does the parable of the Good Samaritan challenge our assumptions about who we serve and love? Do I need Jesus for that or can I do it on my own?
Who are some of the unseen in our city that people pass by on the other side of the road?
How does being with Jesus transform us? Is compassion what we need?
Why do we tend to focus on the task list of religious duty over communion with Christ?
How can the local church serve us in pursuit of "sitting at Jesus' feet?"
Real Power
Jonathan Shradar preaches on Luke 9:37-62. The power of the Kingdom of God is contrary to the power of the world.
Sermon notes.
How do we recognize when we have been pursuing the "wrong power" of the world? Does this mean we should not "succeed" and have nice things?
What does gospel humility look like in the church and our lives or what should it look like?
Why is the Kingdom of God for the least? Who are the least among us?
Being welcomed as a child and welcoming others the same way; what steps can we take as a body of believers to do this?
Is their hope for the modern church in the midst of so much trauma and abuse?
Allegiance to Christ
Jonathan Shradar preaches on Luke 9:18-36. The Kingdom is experienced when we live like Jesus.
Sermon notes.
Why does it matter what Jesus' real identity is? Can't we just live good like him and trust things will work out?
How is having a God willing to die for us give us hope to face our days?
Does Jesus really mean we are supposed to die to ourselves? How do we live this while maintaining the priority of self?
How is the Kingdom visible when we live like Jesus?
Blessed and Broke
Jonathan Shradar preaches on Luke 9:1-17. Jesus will provide for and through you.
Sermon notes.
As you reflect on life in this current season, what are some of the ways the Lord has been providing for you?
What does it mean for us to say "Jesus is enough?"
When it comes to proclaiming the Kingdom and healing our neighbors, how will this look practically in Escondido, Poway, San Diego and beyond?
In what ways is the Spirit inviting you into risky faith?
Who are you called to serve and be provision for? How can we help each other reach them?